
Make Trade Not War

At iBanFirst, we work daily for the thousands of companies that trade and make payments internationally. 
Like them, we have observed a protectionist movement that worries us.

However, this isolationist temptation is not shared by citizens.
Our “IBanFirst report on Europeans and international trade” (carried out by BVA BDRC)* demonstrates this: 

9 out of 10 European citizens say that trade with other countries is a good thing.
More than 80% of Europeans think that consumers benefit from more attractive prices thanks to international trade.

Of course, trade must evolve to meet the new challenges of our times:

The challenge of interdependence: more than 80% of Europeans say that their country is too dependent on foreign countries for its raw materials, energy and essential goods. 
The challenge of justice: 62% of British people, 69% of French and 63% of Germans say that trade benefits the wealthiest in their country to the detriment of the less well-off.

But a clear majority want to strengthen its trade with other countries.
And the reason for this is shared by three-quarters of our fellow citizens and European citizens alike: trade creates stronger ties of interdependence and exchanges.
Trade is a lever of peace.


MAKE TRADE NOT WAR is a call for action!


Of course, international trade must evolve.
Of course, diplomacy sometimes requires economic sanctions in the face of unjustified aggressive actions.
But fundamentally, international trade creates ties of friendship and interdependence between peoples.
And these ties must not be broken! 

The idea is not new: Enlightenment philosophers, such as Montesquieu, were already defending “soft trade as the broker of peace”. 
More recently, it is through trade that the Fathers of Europe built a Europe of peace.

Behind international trade, there are our clients – men and women who will form ties founded on respect and friendship with foreign peoples. Each day, they work to reduce their ecological footprint and spread their local expertise.

By crossing physical and mental borders, by importing or exporting, these companies are also a bridge between peoples.
And at iBanFirst, we will always be at their sides.



* the iBanFirst report on Europeans and international trade (carried out by BVA BDRC on a representative panel of 5,000 Europeans (and 1,000 French citizens)